Cal State - UDH @ Marvin Laser Hall

2:30–5:15 PM

Hollywood By the Horns, along with the Philosophy Department, is proud to present the documentary film ALL ILLUSIONS MUST BE BROKEN, a cinematic contemporization of the work of American cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker. Part film essay, part verité study, ALL ILLUSIONS MUST BE BROKEN interweaves profound insights on death, the re-patterning power of screens, and scenes from childhood and our rapidly unraveling relationship to nature.
“Filled with provocative ideas that demand engagement, ILLUSIONS packs a walloping punch in the face of complacency and acceptance of a global social order that remains plagued with horrific, ceaseless environmental destruction as well as unrelenting warfare and grinding degradation of our own species.”

La Corte Hall A103 (Marvin Laser Recital Hall)
1000 E. Victoria St.,
Carson, California

(Director Jef Sewell also in person)


Roxie Theater


Sebastiani Theater (with Special Guest Sam Keen)